Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tech Support, Indian Style






Yesterday I had occasion to contact Dell tech support online as my new printer/scanner was not working properly. What I thought might be an ordeal, turned out to be the highlight of my day. I was so impressed by the friendly manner of my Dell Representative, whose name was Shweta.

While we were waiting for files to download, I asked if Shweta was in Hyderbad, as I recalled reading in 'Planet India' that Hyderbad is known as the second Silicon Valley. As it turns out, Shweta was in Chandigarh. I mentioned that I was reading 'One Night @ the Call Center' and she replied that she also read this book and found it enjoyable. I responded that reading it gave me a better appreciation for the work she was doing in helping computer-ignorant Amerikans like myself ;-) She responded with a :) and said it was her pleasure to help me.

As we waited for a large file to download before she could install it to my computer, we had a lovely chat as she graciously answered my many questions about India and exchanged opinions about books and other topics until the file download was complete.

What could have remained a dull and silent interlude turned into a delightful interaction with this highly efficient, enormously courteous and friendly person half way across the planet. After Shweta solved my computer/printer problem, I was almost sad that our chat had to end. I was most pleased, however, when she asked if I would be willing to take an extra minute while she transferred me to her supervisor, who would like to know if there was anything she could have done better to serve my needs.

With great pleasure, I assured the supervisor that Shweta could not have done anything better as her assistance was perfect in every way. My computer problem turned out to be the most enjoyable part of my day. Thank you Shweta... Dell is lucky to have you!

Lucille Iacovelli

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