Mouse Freedom from Lucille on Vimeo.
The same mouse has been in this trap 3 times in the past week. I know it's him, because he has a white mark on his head :-)
This mouse thinks the trap is his feeding station :-) In a way, I suppose it is. The same mouse (I recognize him by a white marking on his head) has been in this trap at least 3 times in the past week. Last night I found him in there before I had a chance to bait it with peanut butter. We go through the same drill each time. I get to take a close look at him (he's adorable!) and he gets to eat his peanut butter and find his way back into my apartment.
Cute! I don't know how people can kill them in those awful traps. Is yours a PETA trap?
Yes, it is a PETA trap. I wish they would make them clear rather than green. I'd like to get a better look at him than I can through the green plastic.
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